November 2024 – Five week “introduction to Alexander Technique” group class

Heather Walker will be teaching a five-week introductory Alexander Technique course through the City of Nanaimo, Parks and Recreation department. The course happens on Thursday afternoons, November 7th – December 5th, from 3:30 – 5 PM at the Bowen Senior’s centre. Registration is currently full, but look for another course in March 2025!

Here’s a course description: Use the Alexander Technique to improve posture, reduce stress, change habits and expand your awareness. This is a hands-on class where we explore the body’s naturally efficient design for movement, and understand how we interfere with it through ingrained habits. We will use practical experiments to learn how to notice tightening, release muscle tension, re-establish better balance and move with ease. Anyone can learn to recuperate from stress and prevent undue wear & tear by using less effort in daily activities. Instructors will use visual, verbal, and kinaesthetic (hands-on) cues to teach better movement. Participants should be able to do gentle movements of walking, sitting, and lying on a mat.

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