My name is Heather Walker and I am a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique. I currently live and teach the technique in Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, B.C., as well as teaching workshops throughout the province and beyond. In addition to being a teacher, I am a professional musician, and use the technique to help myself in all areas of my music career. I am always inspired to teach others how they can become more aware of their posture and movement habits and how they can learn to live and move with more ease and efficiency.
Did you know that we have a national website called “Alexander Technique Canada”? I am part of this national non-profit organization that supports the growth and education of Alexander Technique in Canada. Through this website you can access so much more information about the technique: what it is, including the benefits, science, and research supporting it. You can also access a national directory of Alexander Technique teachers and more information about other programs. The website includes many other topics, including information about our professional standards, teacher training programs, and international community. Please feel free to check it out…. https://alexandertechniquecanada.ca/
For more information about Alexander Technique lessons in Nanaimo and workshops throughout B.C., please contact me at 250-716-3464.